Japanese Curry 日本のカレーライスは美味しいですよ

I made Japanese curry. It’s sweeter than Indian curry.

カレーライスを作りましたよ. 日本のカレーはインドのカレーに比べると甘いです

There are Japanese curry cubes packages

There are Japanese curry cubes packages

Each brand has a different flavor and spiciness. I bought them at T&T (Chinese Supermarket) and Fujiya (Japanese Supermarket).



Curry Cubes

There is a basic recipe on the package, but I made a video.


Tips to make delicious curry.

1. Cook onions until caramelized.

2. If you have time, rest it overnight.

3. Mix two different Japanese curry cubes. Each brand use slightly different spices so mixing two different curry cubes gives them a deeper flavor.

4. If you want to make your curry sweeter or milder…add honey, apple sauce or milk

If you want to make your curry spicier…add extra ginger

If  you want to make your curry deeper….add 1tsp〜1tbs dark chocolate or instant coffee.




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